Orewa Swim
Sunday 3 January
3.7km - The Rewa 2.2km - Surf Club to Arundel 1km - Arundel Reserve Fees (any distance) Adult $30 Student $25 Day Registration $40 Series Pass $140 or $100 students (6 swims) Timeline 11.00 - Registration All swims at the Estuary (Orewa bridge) 11.45 - Briefing All swims at Long Bay 12.00 - The Rewa (Estuary) first wave 12.15 - The Rewa Second wave 12.30 - 2.2 km start (Surf club, one wave) 12.45 - 1 km start (Arundel Reserve) (Shared transport to start sites after the briefing) Caution Having a towfloat is advised for this swim for swimmer safety and visibility. You must be fully fit and able to swim your chosen distance COVID Caution The January Series is limited to Alert Levels 2 and 1 All Swimmers & Spectators will register for COVID tracing Maintain 2m distance at all times Spectators - wearing a mask is advised in AL3 and 2 Stay within your bubble group at the swim site The January Series 1 Jan, New Year's Day Swim (Browns Bay to Long Bay) 3 Jan, The Rewa (Orewa) 10 Jan, Waitakere Swim (Armour Bay) 17 Jan, Swim Run (Hibiscus Coast Swim Run Series) 24 Jan, Freedom Swim Long Bay 30 Jan, Waiwera Bluff Swim 1 Feb, Anniversary Day Swim (Maraetai Event course map CLICK on the image for the Live Google map